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Business Data Continuity​

IT Business Continuity + Disaster Recovery + Backup

Spin Up Down Network Servers And Resume Operations Within Minutes

We understand that the success of your company can never be compromised which is why we ensure minimal downtime even during a crisis. Our DRaaS and business continuity capabilities enable you to return to work without troubleshooting different recovery options for hours! Our flexible features allow you to select from local or cloud, image-based backups that allow you to spin up either a single server or VM, to your entire server infrastructure within minutes.
Restly Shape

How Business Data Continuity, Disaster Recovery & Incremental Backups Eliminate Server Downtime

  • Entire server environment backed up and imaged on the appliance
  • Spin-up a single server or entire server environment within minutes on the appliance.
  • Data is deduplicated, compressed and encrypted on local appliance
  • Restore files, folders, full physical hosts, physical server or VM’s on demand

  • WAN-based deduplication and replication
  • Data is transferred through a secure tunnel with 256-Bit encryption
  • Data encrypted in transit and upon arrival at cloud data center.

  • Image of server environment hosted on dedicated cloud resources
  • Spin-up entire server environment due to local disaster or recover instances of your servers.
  • Incremental data from local appliance replicates to your cloud resources throughout the day
  • All data encrypted at rest and client has only key

  • Access to your centralized management dashboard
  • Complete management and configuration portal
  • Backup issues flagged and alerts emailed to IT authority
  • Access to the dashboard from any device and from anywhere

Talk To Us Today

Smarter data protection and security tools to keep the cyber criminals from infiltrating your network and ensuring IT business continuity, even when disaster strikes. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact us NOW!

Your data is always available

The Power Of Unlimited Disaster Recovery Testing

Panoply IT Solutions provides comprehensive business continuity planning and disaster recovery services, allowing you to be prepared for any ransomware threats, human error, or catastrophic events. Our unlimited disaster recovery and failover testing ensure that no declaration is required for dependency testing and spin-up on the appliance or in the cloud. This helps ensure that you are never caught off-guard in the event of an emergency. Best of all, no additional fees are charged for testing or spin-up!

Supported Backup Targets